About RIFK

Who We Are

We're a small group of friends of different nationalities, each qualified in our respective area of expertise, who have come together to benefit where we can. As we're all volunteers, we want to focus on small, intimate, but consistent change.

Our approach is simple: act fast and work with local communities to provide direct support. We coordinate essential supplies and resources, ensuring they reach people in urgent need without delay or waste.

Right now we mainly focus on water, food, and shelter. Every effort we make is about maximizing impact, staying transparent, and ensuring that help goes exactly where it’s needed.

It's the simple things that make a difference.

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Name: RIFK

Bank: Barclays

Sort: 20-76-90

Acct: 80301027



IBAN: GB66 BUKB 2076 9080 3010 27

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